Responsive Website Design

Responsive Website Design or (RWD) is a new approach to website design. Instead of creating multiple versions of the same site to work with each individual device or browser, there is a new technique that designs the website from the ground up to work on all devices. We’ll go further into the technical details later in this post, but to spoil the surprise right now: Pool-Nerd creates every single website under this framework.

Before Responsive Website Design

A long time ago, or more specifically just over 5 years ago, there was no such thing as ‘responsive design’. If you wanted a website to work on an iPhone, you’d need to design not only your website but an additional website for mobile to be sized accordingly. “What if I have an Android, and not an iPhone?”, well as you would expect the Android would look odd on a website designed for iPhones, so an inclusive website designer would need to make yet another website. “What if a new, bigger iPhone releases, would my website work on that?”. Not as designed, so the website developer would need to create yet another version of the same website. The conversation would continue as expected.

It goes without saying that this technique was extremely expensive on manpower and the sanity of the web developer. This inefficient design was passed directly onto the consumer, in other words you. Eventually, someone discovered a better way to do things: a technique that allowed for the page to be designed to be able to scale on all devices. That person deserves a medal.

What is Responsive Website Design

Here’s a hypothetical: you take a trip to the pool supply store to pick up some supply, but instead of buying a couple 50lb chlorine tubs, you feel you could save yourself some time and energy and buy a couple of 100lb tubs instead. One less trip to the store right? But wait! After you make the purchase and walk out to the car and look into the back of your truck you realize something. You have no suitable place to put your new chlorine! “Don’t worry”, you say audibly to yourself “if I rearrange everything: I’ll have space. I can fit everything in.” So you rearrange the net, the acid, the pool cleaners, everything. You move some from the front of the truck bed, to the back, some from the back to the front. In the end, you accomplish your goal, you fit your new over-sized chlorine tubs into your truck, and you leave feeling well accomplished. That is Responsive Website Design.

I can almost hear your “what..” from here, let me explain. While creating the website, we place everything into a series of frames, or enclosures. Because everything is organized and created within these frames, when you resize the screen, the boxes are able to move and rearrange themselves accordingly. If you have 3 photos lined up horizontally, when you view it on a mobile device the three photos will arrange themselves vertically to fit on the screen correctly. If you have content and a contact form on the same line, one will move up or down. This design allows the website to always be created one single time, but to adapt to any and all devices.

Pool-Nerd Creates Every Website the Best Way

It’s important to note, Responsive Website Design is an extremely new technology that far too little marketing firms utilize, and the ones that do usually charge outlandish prices for their services (up to several thousand dollars a month). Pool-Nerd creates every website with the Responsive Website Design framework, this allows us to sell our services at an extremely affordable price, and have the website usable on every single device.